Master Bedroom With Half Bath

Master Bedroom With Half Bath

adding an extra bathroom is always possible

No room for an extra bathroom? Think again! It's a rare home where this is really the case. Adding a bathroom to your house is first and foremost based on the space you have. Can you fit another bathroom into your home? Most remodel contractors say probably yes. These experts maintain that a second or third bathroom can be squeezed into almost any house. Bath fixtures fit into less space than most people think. Here you will find 7 places for that needed extra bathroom.



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A bathroom can be squeezed into an amazingly small space. An area 3 feet by 5 feet handles a sink and toilet; 3 feet by 8 feet is enough for a shower too, especially with today's stylish shower enclosures. Architects maintain that a second or third bathroom can be installed into almost any size home if you look carefully. Bath fixtures can be located in a much smaller area than you think. Into 25 square feet, you can fit a complete – if cramped – shower bathroom which would keep the cost to add an extra bathroom low.

Where to Find Space

When adding a bathroom, walk-in closets often can be turned into powder rooms or bathrooms without tearing down walls. If you have a large rooms, adding a bathroom to a bedroom by stealing three feet from the length can make sufficient space. Sometimes a pantry can be spared. A bathroom can also be put in a low-ceiling area. You can tuck one into the attic under the eaves. Just allow six feet six inches of head room for a shower; an even lower ceiling is okay for a tub.

Before calling in an architect or contractor, download free bathroom design software - a fast fun way to experiment with all kinds of possibilities without a lot of hassle. Easy Bathroom Design Software quickly and easily designs all types of bathroom layouts. First you start with the exact template you need for your own bathroom design—not just a blank screen. You can easily customize this free room design software to fit your needs with thousands of ready-made symbols you can stamp directly onto your image. Moreover, you can be your own interior decorator applying real world colors, materials and custom lighting to walls, furniture and cabinets with an online bathroom design planner.

Seven places for that extra bathroom

Cost to Add a Bathroom

1) Hallway: The untraveled end of a hallway, sometimes with a window, may contain as much as 30 or 40 square feet – sufficient space to add a bathroom.

2) Closets Back-to-Back: Opened up, adjoining closets sometimes measure as much as 4 feet by 4 feet, enough when adding a small bathroom.

3) First-Floor Laundry: Streamline the laundry room with modern stackable washer/dryer appliances that take up less room – then reclaim the space to add a half bath.

4) Existing bath: An average sink, toilet and tub need a minimum of 5 feet by 6 feet. Some large bathrooms can be split into two by relocating the fixtures.

5) Under a staircase: A sink and toilet usually will fit under the stairs. Just remember to check the headroom before you begin the project of adding a bathroom here.

6) Part of a Bedroom: In adding a bathroom to a bedroom you can steal a 3 foot slice from one side of a large bedroom. Put a toilet at one end of the new room, a shower stall at the other and a sink opposite a door in the partition.

7) Walk-in-Closet: An oversized walk-in bedroom closet or hall linen closet could easily become an added half-bath with few structural changes.

Adding a Bathroom

Other Bathroom Tips

1) In adding a bathroom to a house, the first step should be searching through bathroom photos for ideas and inspiration.
2) When adding a second bathroom it is best to place new fixtures near existing water and waste lines for a lower plumbing bill.
3) Check floor joists when you add a bathroom: conventional fixtures weigh up to 20 pounds per square foot; tile in mortar up to 30 pounds. On spans over 11 feet, better double 2x8 joists on 16 inch centers.
4) How to add a bathroom to a small space? Have the door swing out, or install a sliding pocket door.
5) In the case of adding a half bath, ventilate windowless rooms with a ducted fan or pre-fab skylight window.

Bathroom Design Tools

 Design Tools

Online Bathroom Design Tools

3D Home Design Program

Top Bath Design Software

Magazine App

Online Bathroom Planner


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How Much Does it Cost to Add a Bathroom

The first question for homeowners is how much does it cost to add a bathroom. Today bathrooms have become the second most popular home remodel project after a kitchen remodel. According to the National Kitchen & Bath Association, the cost to add a master bath, averages at about $16,000 and up depending on the location of plumbing and electric; the level of the materials and fixtures; and whether you do it yourself or hire a professional remodeler. The total cost of adding a master bathroom should not exceed 5 to 10 percent of the value of your home.

In the past five years, seventy-five per cent of homeowners remodeling a bathroom contracted a professional to do some or all of the work. The cost to add a bathroom is a substantial investment in your home, therefore requires the service of a licensed professional. Get at least 3 bids and consider questioning a realtor to see if the return on investment is there. Contact local contractors with experience with adding a bathroom to a house, generally estimates don't cost anything. Request references and carefully study the proposals you receive. Be sure to choose the right proposal and recognize that it is not always the cheapest.

Bathroom Photos for Extra Bathroom Ideas

There are many questions you will want to talk over before you make your final bathroom floor plans. Using a small bathroom photo gallery is the first step in planning a fabulous extra bathroom space. Bathroom pictures are vital when choosing fixtures, once bathroom fixtures are in, they are not easy to move.

Master Bedroom With Half Bath


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